I am so ready for lazy Summer days with no alarm clocks and having to rush out the door. I won't miss packing lunches or racing from school pick up to after-school activities. However, it will be two days into break and I'll be sick and tired of sibling fights, whining, begging for the 437th snack of the day and hearing, "I'm bored."
We have to fill our Summer with activities, play dates, vacations and more to survive the "lazy days" of Summer. At the end of each Spring or school year we enjoy writing out a Summer Fun Bucket List. Each year there are many similarities but we usually add something new every year. At the tail end there's usually something we don't get to but it's fun to check things off and have things to look forward to.
Every year I kick off Summer with a fun breakfast. This year I did a pineapple theme because they always remind me of sweet Summer days. If you follow along with me you know I am all about affordable and simple ideas. These breakfasts that I do are not over the top nor do they take a lot of my time or money. I think the impact for my kids is the same no matter what amount of money I spend. My goal is to mark milestones and create memories for my girls.
As always I used tableware from Re-Play because they add just the splash of color that I need. I also used napkins from Geese & Ganders which provides the CUTEST tableware for all your party needs (You'll see more from them coming up on the blog.). The breakfast was super simple with yellow and green fruit served with a round glazed donut. I cut out a pineapple stem and stuck it on the top to make them look like pineapples.
The pineapple banner I found HERE and I got really lucky with the balloon garland. I just used the leftovers from Madi's birthday party. The gifts I give at these breakfasts are always things I was buying anyways. I don't suggest buying gifts just because and spending extra money. They got things like new shoes for Summer (which they desperately needed) and outfits for 4th of July.
Check out my previous POST for Seven Fun Summer Activities to keep the family entertained. On top of checking off our list a schedule is key to surviving Summer boredom. Check out my schedule and ideas HERE.
Find a Summer Bucket List from the past as well as TONS of several local stops you want to hit up this Summer. Happy Summer!