School Days-May

May was back to a busy month at school.  Emily's class lead chapel at the beginning of the month.  We also had Muffins with Mom which was a fun morning with Emily, her friends and their mommies.  Lastly, we had the family appreciation picnic (post here). She learned the letters V, W, X, Y, and Z, the color Purple, the shape Oval, and the math concept was 1 to 1 correspondence. 
Only two weeks left this school year.  Where did the time go?!?!  

Muffins with Mom

As you can see by the pics the weather was all over the place in May.  It drove me nuts!

1 comment :

  1. IEC 60076-11

    This part of IEC 60794 defines test procedures for establishing uniform requirements for environmental performance.
    Fiber optic cables for use with telecommunications equipment and equipment using similar technologies, and cables having a combination of fiber optics and electrical conductors.
    Throughout the document, the expression ""fiber optic cable"" may also include fiber optic units, microfiber units, etc.
    Refer to IEC 60794-1-2 for reference guidance on all types of test methods and general requirements and definitions.
